Access your Higher Self for answers.

Experience Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique with one of our certified practitioners.

You are powerful.

“Everything in your life you have put there. You have created. If you don’t like what is happening in your life, you can change it.” - Dolores Cannon

Healing with your subconscious.

You are so much more than just this physical life! Through past life regression and communicating with the Higher Self (Subconscious/SC) during a QHHT Session, clients have traveled through time, to other cultures, to other planets, and even to other dimensions.  They have received healing, transformation, and an understanding of their life purpose and their Higher Self. When you know your Higher Self, your purpose and your history, this present life becomes much more clear.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®) was developed by Hypnotherapist, Author and Teacher, Dolores Cannon. QHHT® takes you through a Past Life Regression and then connects you to the Subconscious. A QHHT session is unlike any other healing modality.  It empowers you to understand the "why" behind events and relationships in your life and remember more of your true self or higher self.

You can ask the Subconscious ANY questions and receive answers. You can request physical, mental and emotional healing. This in-depth session is for those ready to make an impactful change in their life, discover life purpose, face traumas and heal the physical body.

A QHHT session is 4+ hours. We provide a safe space for you to deep dive into the totality of who you are. You will have time to sit with a practitioner and review all the questions you would like answered. We recommend you bring a list (as many questions as you like) to your session. The practitioner will explain the process in detail. You will also receive a recording of the hypnosis portion of your session.

“Earth is a school for mastering how to manipulate energy.” - Dolores Cannon